Ugh. This morning’s walk was not pleasant at all. I just wanted it to be OVER with. Apparently that little Yoga video I did last night, took a toll on me. My legs, knees and ankles were killing me. I literally had a hard time today and that sucks. I guess I may need to work on that flexibility. As a matter of fact, when I was doing the Yoga, I looked at Kevin and said…is this even going to burn calories? HA. Ye of little faith. Oh and P.S. I really LOATHE squats and lunges. They are of the devil, I tell ya.
At any rate, today I did Trim Your Legs from the 5 Day Slim Down. The weird thing is that I didn’t sweat today. I say that’s weird, because some days I do and some I don’t. I just think that’s a little off. I worked just as hard. I am able to control my breathing quite a bit better now. Sure, I breathe heavy, but I don’t get all out of breath like I did in the beginning. I am ready for a change though and can’t wait to try a new DVD next week. Right now I’m going to stick to the plan I made for myself, because I think it’s important to force myself to push on. I’m also a bit OCD and I said I was going to do something and my brain won’t allow me to do otherwise!
I intended to walk tonight and Lord knows I needed to, but I didn’t. This week isn’t turning out to be so great after all. Slow and steady wins the race, right? I had an insatiable appetite today. I was so hungry and nothing I ate could fill me up and I ate a lot. I was so disgusted with myself that I didn’t even chart. I think my mistake was that in the morning, I started out with the mind frame that today I’m going to eat light. Take in a low amount of calories. So I only had a Slim Fast and some cantaloupe. From now on, I think I’ll have a nice, balanced breakfast; one that will satisfy me so that I don’t overeat.
Tomorrow is a new day. Was I disappointed in my results today? Sure, I was. But everyone has an off day, week, month!! Hopefully I can turn this around!
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