
Welcome to my personal progress blog! I set this blog up to help keep myself accountable for my lifestyle changes. It would be nice to have a couple of followers who are supportive also. I'd appreciate it if you could keep negativity to yourself. I'm on the road to creating a healthier me. Follow me on my journey and feel free to join in!

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

To join a gym or not to join a gym....

Well, I guess it’s safe to say that I haven’t lost anymore weight. I’m so sick of being fat and out of shape, but here I sit, doing NOTHING about it. Since I spent the summer doing WHATEVER I wanted to. Eating EVERYTHING I’ve wanted to…I’m having a REALLY hard time getting back on track. It’s frustrating. I want to be motivated. I want to exercise…but I guess I don’t want it bad enough. It’s like I have no willpower. I weighed in at WW on Monday and I’m disgusted to say that I weigh more NOW, then I did when I first joined!! I went straight out and bought a ton of fruit, because as you may know, fruits are free with WW. That being said, I’m a diabetic….and I’ve been feeling tired and rundown a lot, so I think I’m going to have to try something else. I’m certain it isn’t helping that I’m getting little to NO exercise. Something has to give.
 Today I met someone online, locally who mentioned a gym she attends. After a couple of emails back and forth, she gave us a 7 day pass to try the gym out. Most of you know that I’m TERRIFIED of joined an actual REAL gym. I’ve only gone to Curves, because there are a bunch of old ladies there. But at a real gym, there are a ton of fit people and honestly, I feel embarrassed to even be in there. Look at the fat chick. But I’m going to go it and I’m going to try my best to be positive. Kevin and I are going on Monday. Wish us luck. They also have a pretty nice kids program also, so that will be nice. I really need something to get me off my butt and keep me accountable. Maybe if I have a gym membership, I will try harder. I’m not doing this to look better, although that would be nice. I’m doing this for a healthier me. Here’s to new beginnings…

As I sit here saying this...I'm holding a slice of Papa John's in my hand....  :(

Monday, August 1, 2011

I’m a LOSER….(and not in a good way)

Well I’m sure most of you have guessed that I haven’t been eating right or working out. This makes me feel bad, because I was doing so well. I even stopped going to Weight Watchers. Any progress that I had made was essentially flushed down the toilet. This sucks. I do NOT want to be a fat a$$ my entire life. I don’t want to be unhealthy, but I continue to do this and disappoint myself. It’s no one else’s fault, but mine. I wish there was an easier way to lose weight, I really do. I’d like to say that I’m going to jump back in, feet first, and kick some butt… I just don’t know if I’ll stick to it. I will say that I’m going to try. Today I started back on Leslie and walked 1 mile. It was torture. I remember when I used to walk 3 and 4 miles with little to no issues. It wasn’t so long ago, but apparently it doesn’t take long for a conditioned body to relapse! So, I’m 1 mile closer to trying to get myself back on track. I’m going to force myself to do a mile tomorrow also. The thing is, the past few days; I’ve been so extremely tired that I have to force myself out of bed. I’m wondering if that’s part of me allowing myself to get so out of shape again. I have 3 weeks before my cruise. My goal is to try to lose 3lbs a week. More would be great, but I’d like to be down about 10lbs by August 28th.   

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Who's wants to win a FREE Keurig? I do!

Kenlie from All The Weigh is hosting a cool contest and will be awarding one lucky person their very own, brand new Keurig! Want to find out how you can enter to win?

Get the details here... And Good Luck!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday 5/23/11 (Day 1, AGAIN)

I don’t think this requires any explanation, but I got off track with my 21 day plan.  With our unexpected trip to Florida, well, I just dropped the ball. I didn’t exercise. I didn’t track what I ate. To make a long story short, today when I weighed in, I had gained 2.4 pounds, which brings my weight loss back to only 4.6. So I have some work to do. I went back to Curves today and began working out again and tonight I plan on doing my Leslie DVD. I figure there is no time like the present to get back on track. I always feel so much better after I work out anyway! Today I felt like I had more energy and I actually feel like I can breathe better after I leave the gym. However, today I’m getting that 2:00 nod and I wish I could take a nap.  

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Wednesday 5/11/11 (Day 3)

Today I started the Curves Smart program. Basically instead of just going around the circuit in 30 second intervals, now I have a key tag to pop into the machines and it monitors my progress and lets me know when to begin and end. It takes data from your progress and increases and decreases the intensity. It also lets you know which machines you need to work harder and which you are good at. I’m excited about this and know that I will see results soon!
This evening, I did my walk and strength training with Leslie. Goodness sakes, that one wears me out every time! I sure hope I’m ready for next week when I start doing 3 miles a day! Eeeek! Then the next week is 4, that’s the one that really SCARES me.

On a side note, I ordered me a shirt for the WW Walk It Challenge! On May 22nd, I’ll walk a 5K with my family! It’s my promise to be healthier for my family and most importantly, for myself!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday 5/10/11 (Day 2)

Okay folks, Day 2 feels like day 1,000,000,000,000,000…. I think you get the idea. My workout today at Curves was nice. I’m starting to get more used to the circuit and I notice that I’m not strggling as much to get around twice. I was actually considering going around a third time, but decided against it. I figure with that and my Leslie Challenge, twice is enough for now. My body aches as it is. I’ve never felt so many muscles hurting. This is a good thing though and I’m pleased. I did my workout with Leslie tonight and HOLY SMOKES. 2 BIG miles! Those body cables really provide resistence and mustle toning. By the end, I was sweating up a storm. Another day down. And to think, this morning I wasn’t feeling motivated at all. In fact, I wasn’t feeling motivated this evening either. Both times, I considered skipping my workout, but I didn’t! I CAN DO THIS!! Day 3, bring it on!

P.S. This means, I get 1 hour of exercise a day!! Woot! Woot!! How's that for being a fat girl?!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday 5/9/11 (Day 1)

Today was my 1st day of Leslie Sansone’s Eat, Walk, Lose 21 Day Challenge. And so far, so good! This morning I started my day off by doing the circuit at Curves. (I’ve gotta say that I feel silly calling it the “gym”, but it’s just easier, so overlook my silliness.) I did my (approximately) 30 minute workout, then I headed over to Weight Watchers for my weekly meeting and weigh in. I wasn’t exactly pleased with my weigh in, but I’m also not upset about it either. I was up a smidgen. Not even a full pound. That’s not too horrible considering that I haven’t been tracking or exercising regularly. I’m going to rectify that, starting today. I’ve begun tracking everything I eat again. This week, the walking program has me doing a 2 mile super walk for the next 7 days. For part of the DVD, I use the body boost cables which do exactly what they say, BOOST my workout. The first week focuses on walking off your breakfast. It also includes 7 days of suggestions for breakfasts. I’ve already done my 2 miles for today, so I’m well on my way! I’ll tell you, if I don’t see results, something is wrong! I’m working my butt off. Now I just need to commit to staying on program and continue to be positive! 20 days to go!!!